Help save the National Emergency Services Museum

Help save the National Emergency Services Museum

Over the last couple of months we’ve been slapping for the NHS as well as donating time and money to help them during the pandemic. 

Lockdown has affected many businesses, particularly charities as people are donating to the NHS instead of the charities they usually donate to. The National Emergency Services Museum, is facing a similar situation to many museums ran by charities, closure due to lack of funding.

It would be a tragedy to lose a museum that hosts over a million pieces representing our emergency services in a climate where we are celebrating them.

At present, the museum has enough money to survive until mid-June however, the last statement from the government suggests that they won’t be able to reopen until 1st July at the earliest. Losing the museum means losing historic pieces that tells stories that won’t found elsewhere. 

If you can help, please donate here.

Need some more convincing? Check out this short video on why it needs to survive.

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